Course Title Sell Your Creations With Etsy Course
20 Classes of Video Tutorials

20 Sell Your Creations With Etsy Classes

Class 1 - Overview - Etsy
Class 2 - Opening Your Etsy Account
Class 3 - Updating-Settings
Class 4 - Seller Fees and Other Basics
Class 5 - Opening Your Shop and Starting Your Listing
Class 6 - Item Listing
Class 7 - Shooting Your Video with TikTok
Class 8 - Production Partner
Class 9 - Etsy Payment System
Class 10 - Deactivating a Listing - Store Customization
Class 11 - Working with Canva to Create a Store Banner
Class 12- Creating Our Etsy Cover Photo
Class 13 - Shop Customizations
Class 14 - Editing Shop Policies
Class 15 - Info and Appearance
Class 16 - Edit About Your Shop
Class 17 - Etsy Account Options
Class 18 - Shipping Policies
Class 19 - Sell With Square In Person

Class 20 - Conclusion

Enroll Today and a Bonus Class
with Bart Hennin an Expert With Etzy
Will Not Be Video But Audio Only
39 Minutes Long
and a PDF on
Content Marketing
With Instructographics and Infographics
By Amy Harrop Will Be Included

Etzy Course order below at pay button
$14.99 Once

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under menu tab titled: My Course Downloads
You can watch the videos on that page

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