Amazon S3 Course
Course Title Amazon S3
How To Use It
Step By Step Over The Shoulder Video Tutorials

Simple Storage Service is a service offered by Amazon Web Services
that provides object storage
Amazon S3 uses the same scalable storage infrastructure
that uses to run its e-commerce network.

40 Classes of Video Tutorials
20 Basic
20 Advanced

Amazon S3 Basic

Class 1 - Overview
Class 2 -Pricing
Class 3- Set Up
Class 4- File Storage
Class 5- FileInterface-Filezilla
Class 6- FileInterface-Cloudberry
Class 7 - File Delivery
Class 8 - File Backup Part 1
Class 9 - File Backup Part 2
Class 10 - File Sharing
Class 11 -Cloud transfers
Class 12 -Zapier Connections Part 1 Drop Box
Class 13 -Zapier Connections Part 2 Google Drive
Class 14 - Hosting Multimedia On S3
Class 15 - Using a Multimedia Interface on S3
Class 16- Should I Host Multimedia on S3
Class 17 - File Protection
Class 18 - Tracking Bandwidth
Class 19 - Embedding S3 Video On To Static Html
Class 20 - Conclusion

Amazon S3 Advanced

Class 21 - Overview
Class 22 - Create and Configure a Bucket
Class 23 - Add a Bucket Policy
Class 24 - Uploading and Testing
Class 25 - Using Your Own Domain
Class 26- Custom Domain Configuration Part 1
Class 27 - Custom Domain Configuration Part 2 Bucket Configuration
Class 28 - Custom Domain Configuration Part 3
Class 29 - Custom Domain Configuration Part 4 Domain Offsite
Class 30 - Custom Domain Configuration Part 5 Alias
Class 31 - Custom Domain Configuration Part 6 Testing
Class 32 -Word Press Installation Part 1
Class 33 -Word Press Installation Part 2
Class 34 - Word Press Installation Part 3
Class 35- Wordpress Media Offload to S3
Class 36- Serving Website Images From Amazon S3
Class 37 - Embedding Media Into Wordpress
Class 38 - Embedding S3 Video Into Worpress With Html
Class 39 - Securing Downloads In S3 and Wordpress
Class 40 - Conclusion

BASIC Course

Advanced Course
$14.99 Once

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